Class Summary |
EncodingReader |
EncodingWriter |
GraphPlanMode |
read from repository (to file)
-p -r -f <filename> -n <name>
write to repository (from file) (can override graphplan name)
-p -s -f <filename> [-n <name>]
write to repository from file then retrieve from repository to same file
-p -s -f <filename> -n
remove from repository (by name)
-p -x -n <name>
list repository
-p -l
instantiate to file from meta-data (root type/depth)
-p -c -t <public_type> [-d <depth>] -f <filename> [-e <encoding>]
create via IG from file
create via IG from meta-data (name/depth)
ImageGraphMode |
retrieve from server (save to file) (with and without identity)
-g -r -f <filename> -i <icon> [-a] [-d <depth>]
-g -r -f <filename> -t <public_type> -n <name> [-a] [-d <depth>]
-g -r -f <filename> -t <public_type> [-a] [-d <depth>]
store to server (read from file)
-g -s -f <filename>
store to server from file and retrieve from server and write to same file
-g -s -f <filename> -i
delete by icon from server
-g -x -i <icon>
list icons/names by type
-g -l -t <public_type>
instantiate to file from GP
instantiate to file from meta-data (root type/depth)
-g -c -t <public_type> [-d <depth>] -f <filename> [-e encoding]
Main |
-s :store from file to server
-r :retrieve from server to file
-x :delete
-c [filename] :instantiate (create), filename optional source
-l :list icons
-h hostname:port
-u username passoword
-f filename
-e encoding_type
-t type
-d depth
-z :fuzzy select
-o :ignore read only edges
-n name :graph plan or object
-i icon
-a :forget identity
mode = g (image graph)
retrieve from server (save to file) (with and without identity)
store on server (read from file)
store on server from file then read from server and save to file (round trip)
instantiate to file from GP
instantiate to file from meta-data (root type/depth)
list icons/names by type
mode = p (graph plan)
retrieve from repository (to file)
store on repository (from file)
store on repository from file and retrieve from repository and save to file (round trip)
remove from repository (by name)
list repository
instantiate to file from meta-data (root type/depth)
create via IG from file
create via IG from meta-data (name/depth)
Mode |
SerializationReader |
SerializationWriter |
XMLReader |
XMLWriter |