Class ImageGraph

  extended bycom.vinculumtech.carrierwave.image.ImageGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ImageGraph
extends java.lang.Object

The ImageGraph class maintains all Image instances associated in a graph.

When two Image instances are associated by calling the setter on the parent with the child as the arguement, one of three things will happen:

The ImageGraph class is simply a namespace with limited referential integrity enforcement.

$Id: //depot/carrierwave/src/shared/com/vinculumtech/carrierwave/image/ $
See Also:
ImageHelper, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected ImageGraph(Image originImage)
protected ImageGraph(ImageGraph imageGraph)
          This constructor will assume all the images held by the given ImageGraph instance.
Note the given ImageGraph instance will be in an undefined state and should be discarded.
Method Summary
 boolean acceptImage(Image image)
          Moves the given Image instance from its current ImageGraph to this ImageGraph instance, removeImage is called on the original ImageGraph instance.
Reference counts and origin status is preserved.
Note that if this ImageGraph instance already contains an Image instance with an equivalent identity (Icon), the old Image instance will not be replaced.
protected  void addImagesFrom(ImageGraph imageGraph)
protected  void addImagesTo(ImageGraph imageGraph)
 void addOriginImage(Image originImage)
          Makes the given Image instance an origin (possibly one of many).
If the given Image instance is owned by another ImageGraph instance, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
protected  void associateImage(Image image)
          Adds the given Image instance to the current ImageGraph if it is not already a member.
It is assumed the given image is intended as a child to an Image existing in this ImageGraph.
protected  void associateImageGraphs(ImageGraph imageGraph)
          Handles the association between this ImageGraph instance and the given child ImageGraph instance (associated with an Image added via associateImage)
It is intended that this method be overidden for special cases.
protected  ImageGraph becomeImageGraph()
          Intended to be used by subclasses implementing the writeReplace method for serialization support.
 void clear()
          Clears all images and origins from this ImageGraph instance.
 void clearOriginImages()
          Sets the number of origin Image instances to zero, and markes thier origin status accordingly.
 boolean containsImage(Icon icon)
          Tests the local image Map for an Image instance with equivalent identity.
protected  void decrementImage(Image image)
protected  void disassociateImage(Icon icon)
protected  void disassociateImage(Image image)
          Disassociates the given Image image from the graph.
It is assumed the given Image instance has lost a parent child relationship with an Image in this ImageGraph instance.
Note that disassociation does not remove the Image instance, but simply decrements its reference count.
 java.util.Collection getIcons()
          Returns only Icon instances that have an associated Image instance in the graph.
 Image getImage(Icon icon)
          Returns an Image instance equivalent to the given Icon instance.
By default, this method calls getImageLocal.
 Image getImageLocal(Icon icon)
          Retrieves the Image instance with the given Icon identity from the 'local' image Map.
Override getImage to delegate Image retrieval from an additional source.
 java.util.Map getImageMap()
 java.util.Collection getImages()
protected  java.util.Map getImagesPrivate()
 Image getOriginImage()
 java.util.List getOriginImages()
          Returns a List of all origin Image instances.
The result of a 'select' guarantees one origin.
protected  java.util.List getOriginsPrivate()
 boolean hasManyOriginImages()
          An ImageGraph may have zero or more origin Images.
protected  void incrementImage(Image image)
 boolean isDurable()
          A durable ImageGraph instance is one that will not release its owned Image instances during a parent child association.
By default the parent ImageGraph will assume the instances owned by the child ImageGraph instance.
 boolean isStrict()
          A strict ImageGraph instance is one that represents the whole graph as represented on the server.
 void makeDurable()
          Forces this ImageGraph instance to be durable.
 void makeOriginImage(Image originImage)
          Forces the given Image instance to be the only origin in the graph.
It is expected that the given Image instance is already a member of this ImageGraph instance.
 void makeOriginImages(java.util.List originImages)
          Forces all the Image instances in the given List to be the only origin image instances in the graph.
It is expected that all the given Image instances in the List are already in the current ImageGraph instance.
 void makeStrict()
          Forces this ImageGraph instance to be strict.
 Image putImage(Image image)
          Places the the given Image instance directly into this ImageGraph instance and returns any Image instance with an equivalent identity (Icon) as the given Image instance.
Reference counts are not not incremented.
protected  void reassociateImage(Icon oldIcon, Icon newIcon)
          Reassociates an Image instance from the oldIcon to the newIcon.
This method is used when Icon instances are made soft or have lost thier identity (intentionally).
 void removeImage(Image image)
          Removes the given Image instance from this ImageGraph instance.
protected  void removeOrigin(Image image)
 void setDurable(boolean durable)
 void setIsStrict(boolean isStrict)
protected  java.util.Map setThisOnAll(java.util.Map images)
 int size()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ImageGraph()


protected ImageGraph(Image originImage)


protected ImageGraph(ImageGraph imageGraph)
This constructor will assume all the images held by the given ImageGraph instance.
Note the given ImageGraph instance will be in an undefined state and should be discarded.

imageGraph -
Method Detail


protected final java.util.Map getImagesPrivate()


protected final java.util.List getOriginsPrivate()


public boolean isStrict()
A strict ImageGraph instance is one that represents the whole graph as represented on the server. This notifies the graph plan generator to create nodes for null references. Otherwise, a node will not be created and the null on that edge will subsequently be ignored during a 'modify'.
Warning, by setting this value to true, a subsequent modify could truncate (null) any values that are not included in this ImageGraph instance, but are on the server. Thus 'selects' from the server will NOT mark the returned ImageGraph instance as strict.



public void makeStrict()
Forces this ImageGraph instance to be strict.


public void setIsStrict(boolean isStrict)


public boolean isDurable()
A durable ImageGraph instance is one that will not release its owned Image instances during a parent child association.
By default the parent ImageGraph will assume the instances owned by the child ImageGraph instance. A durable ImageGraph instance will always assume the Image instances from the competing ImageGraph, unless it is also durable, such cases will result in a RuntimeException.

true if this ImageGraph instance is durable.


public void makeDurable()
Forces this ImageGraph instance to be durable.


public void setDurable(boolean durable)


public java.util.Collection getImages()
a Collection of all the Image instances in the graph owned by this ImageGraph instance


public java.util.Collection getIcons()
Returns only Icon instances that have an associated Image instance in the graph.

a Collection of all the Image instances in the graph owned by this ImageGraph instance


public java.util.Map getImageMap()
a copy of the internal Map of Image instances


public void clear()
Clears all images and origins from this ImageGraph instance.


public int size()
the number of Image instances owned by this ImageGraph instance


public final Image getImageLocal(Icon icon)
Retrieves the Image instance with the given Icon identity from the 'local' image Map.
Override getImage to delegate Image retrieval from an additional source.

icon -
null if not found or if the Icon instance is null, otherwise an equivalent Image instance


public Image getImage(Icon icon)
Returns an Image instance equivalent to the given Icon instance.
By default, this method calls getImageLocal. Override this method to delegate Image retrieval from and additional source.

icon -


public boolean containsImage(Icon icon)
Tests the local image Map for an Image instance with equivalent identity.

icon -
true if this ImageGraph instance owns an Image instance with equivalent identity


public Image getOriginImage()
the first origin Image instance, if any


public boolean hasManyOriginImages()
An ImageGraph may have zero or more origin Images.

true if this ImageGraph has more than one origin Image instance


public java.util.List getOriginImages()
Returns a List of all origin Image instances.
The result of a 'select' guarantees one origin. Local graph manipulations may reduce the count to zero, via reference count checks.

all origin Image instances


public void clearOriginImages()
Sets the number of origin Image instances to zero, and markes thier origin status accordingly. Does not remove Image instances from the ImageGraph.


public void makeOriginImage(Image originImage)
Forces the given Image instance to be the only origin in the graph.
It is expected that the given Image instance is already a member of this ImageGraph instance.

originImage -


public void makeOriginImages(java.util.List originImages)
Forces all the Image instances in the given List to be the only origin image instances in the graph.
It is expected that all the given Image instances in the List are already in the current ImageGraph instance.

originImages -


public void addOriginImage(Image originImage)
Makes the given Image instance an origin (possibly one of many).
If the given Image instance is owned by another ImageGraph instance, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

originImage -


protected void removeOrigin(Image image)


public boolean acceptImage(Image image)
Moves the given Image instance from its current ImageGraph to this ImageGraph instance, removeImage is called on the original ImageGraph instance.
Reference counts and origin status is preserved.
Note that if this ImageGraph instance already contains an Image instance with an equivalent identity (Icon), the old Image instance will not be replaced.

image -
true if the given Image instance was accepted, false otherwise


public Image putImage(Image image)
Places the the given Image instance directly into this ImageGraph instance and returns any Image instance with an equivalent identity (Icon) as the given Image instance.
Reference counts are not not incremented. Child Image instances of the given Image instance will not be assumed this ImageGraph instance.
This method is intended for internal tool use.

image -
the old Image instance, if exists


public void removeImage(Image image)
Removes the given Image instance from this ImageGraph instance. Reference counts are not decremented, but origin status is preserved (but is removed from the collection of origin maintained by this ImageGraph instance.
This method is intended for internal tool use.

image -


protected void associateImage(Image image)
Adds the given Image instance to the current ImageGraph if it is not already a member.
It is assumed the given image is intended as a child to an Image existing in this ImageGraph. Thus, the image will have its reference count increased. And it will no longer be considered an origin, if it was one previously.
Note that the child ImageGraph instance (if any) the given Image instance currently belongs to, will have all of its images instances assumed this ImageGraph.
It is intended for this method to be called by subclasses of Image.

image -


protected void associateImageGraphs(ImageGraph imageGraph)
Handles the association between this ImageGraph instance and the given child ImageGraph instance (associated with an Image added via associateImage)
It is intended that this method be overidden for special cases.

imageGraph -


protected void addImagesFrom(ImageGraph imageGraph)


protected void addImagesTo(ImageGraph imageGraph)


protected void reassociateImage(Icon oldIcon,
                                Icon newIcon)
Reassociates an Image instance from the oldIcon to the newIcon.
This method is used when Icon instances are made soft or have lost thier identity (intentionally).

oldIcon -
newIcon -


protected void disassociateImage(Image image)
Disassociates the given Image image from the graph.
It is assumed the given Image instance has lost a parent child relationship with an Image in this ImageGraph instance.
Note that disassociation does not remove the Image instance, but simply decrements its reference count. If the reference count becomes zero, the Image instance becomes an origin.
It is intended for this method to be called by subclasses of Image.

image -


protected void disassociateImage(Icon icon)


protected void incrementImage(Image image)


protected void decrementImage(Image image)


protected java.util.Map setThisOnAll(java.util.Map images)


protected ImageGraph becomeImageGraph()
Intended to be used by subclasses implementing the writeReplace method for serialization support. This is useful in the case the ImageGraph subclass is not located in the server classpath.


Copyright (C) 2002 Vinculum Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.