Package com.vinculumtech.carrierwave

Class Summary
Icon Icon is a paritally immutable token representnig an Image and/or Imageable instance.

It is only partially immutable since the Icon.becomeSoft() method changes the state of the Icon instance.
IconHelper The IconHelper class is a factory for instantiating Icon instances.
ImageableFactory The ImageableFactory class provides an interface to PersistenceRoot for use by internal CarrierWave functions.
ImageableIconHelper The IconHelper class is a factory for instantiating Icon instances.
This class is intended to be used only server side.

Exception Summary
GraphDeleteException The GraphDeleteException is thrown by the Delete class during deletion failures from the persistence layer.
GraphException The GraphException is the root class for all CarrierWave exceptions.
This class was originally CarrierWaveException, but I don't believe in any product name coupling other than that is necessary.
todo: need some sort of parent object history info to parrallel the stack trace
GraphInvokeException The GraphInvokeException is thrown by the Invoke class during invocation failures.
GraphModifyException The GraphModifyException is thrown by the Modify class during modify failures.
GraphSelectException The GraphSelectException is thrown by the Select class during selection failures.
ImageableNotFoundException The ImageableNotFoundException is thrown when a particular Icon instance does not reference a valie Imageable type.
InvocationException The InvocationException is a user exception thrown only by an ImageableAction class.
ProjectionException This Exception wrapps an exception thrown by the system when a system object is created or updated.
ReflectionException This Exception wrapps an exception thrown by the system when a system object is created or updated.

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