Package com.vinculumtech.carrierwave.plan

Class Summary
GraphNode GraphNode instances represent nodes in a graph node tree or a graph plan.

Graph plans are used to describe the closure of a graph of Image or Imageable instances, and is interchangeable between each.
GraphNodeHelper The GraphNodeHelper provides utilites for use with GraphNode instances.
GraphNodeSet GraphNodeSet provides for a set of related GraphNode instances to be specified as a single node in a node tree.

Each peer node added will be a "sub graph" node tree for the type it represents.
GraphPlan The GraphPlan class describes the closure of an Image or Imageable object graph.

This is accomplished by holding a tree of GraphNode instances (graph node tree), or the the meta-data used to create on during runtime.

Node trees generated at runtime are created using either the type of the origin node, or an instance of the origin node.
GraphPlanFactory The GraphPlanFactory class provides methods to instantiate or generate GraphPlan instances or GraphNode node trees from an Image class or instance.
ImageableNavigation The Navigation class provides a set of utilities for retrieving elements from imageable graphs via directed graph nodes.

A directed graph node, is a child node in a graph node tree.
Navigation The Navigation class provides a set of utilities for retrieving elements from image graphs via directed graph nodes.

A directed graph node, is a child node in a graph node tree.

Exception Summary
EdgeNotFoundException The EdgeNdotFoundException is thrown when a GraphNode references an edge (field name) that does not exist on the parent object class.
GraphNodeException A GraphNodeException is thrown whenever there is a failure traversing a GraphNode tree.
GraphPlanException A GraphPlanException is thrown whenever there is a failure creating, storing, or retrieving a given GraphPlan instance.

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