Package com.vinculumtech.platform.util

Interface Summary
BinaryFunction BinaryFunction instances are used to perform a function on the given values.
NullaryFunction NullaryFunction instances are used to perform a function.
UnaryFunction UnaryFunction instances are used to perform a function on the given value.

Class Summary
BinaryKey The BinaryKey class provides a mechanism for two Objects to act as a single key in a Map.
BooleanMatchFunction The BooleanMatchFunction class is a simple implementation of the UnaryFunction interface.
Execute returns the given value if it is a Boolean object and matches the match boolean value, or the toString() on the given value, matches Boolean.toString( match ) value.
ReflectionHelper The ReflectionHelper class is the root of all Java reflection queries and invocations.

This class caches java.lang.reflect.Field and java.lang.reflect.Method instances.
RegexMatchFunction The RegexMatchFunction class is a simple implementation of the UnaryFunction interface.
The execute method will return the given value, if its toString() matches the regular expression set on the constructor.
If the regular expression is null, this function does nothing but return the value object, null or not.
StreamHelper Utility class which provides methods to close streams, and traps any exceptions which may occur.
TernaryKey The TernaryKey is used where three Objects are needed to make a unique key value in a Map.
TypeMap TypeMap holds a set of Class/Object pairs.

Exception Summary
NestedFunctionException Thrown by code that catches an exception thrown by the execute method on a Unary or NullaryFunction.
Call getCause to get the nested exception.

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