Package com.vinculumtech.carrierwave.imageable

Interface Summary
Imageable The Imageable interface is the root tag interface that marks classes that support being externalized via the graph management framework.

All Imageable types support the following source code meta tags.

ImageableAction All object method or action types must implement this Interface.
ImageableAlias The ImageableAlias interface is a tag interface that marks classes that support being externalized via the graph management framework.
ImageableCollectionFinder All finders that return an object collection must implement this Interface.
ImageableIdentifiable The ImageableIdentifiable interface is a tag interface that marks classes as being Imageable and having an unique identity.
ImageableObjectFinder All finders that return a single object must implement this Interface.
ImageableTransient This marks a concrete Imageable type as being transient, thus it should not be persisted by the PersistenceRoot.

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